{"_table":"tmTestimonials","_dbat":0,"_tableat":"tmTestimonials","_where":"id=?","_saved":true,"_lasterr":false,"_original":["132","Mari","Kevin is an excellent driving instructor who is friendly, calm and helpful. Kevin helped me to get test ready with lots of driving lessons and useful tips. He is patient and explains situations in lots of detail to make is as easy as possible to learn. I would recommend Kevin as a driving instructor for all, 10\/10. Thank you Kevin. ","2024-01-19 22:16:06","1"],"foreignName":"testimonial","lockMode":" for update ","id":"132","name":"Mari","content":"Kevin is an excellent driving instructor who is friendly, calm and helpful. Kevin helped me to get test ready with lots of driving lessons and useful tips. He is patient and explains situations in lots of detail to make is as easy as possible to learn. I would recommend Kevin as a driving instructor for all, 10\/10. Thank you Kevin. ","date":"2024-01-19 22:16:06","approved":"1"}